Lodge Web Header with image of the County Bridge and the Castle


Historical Interest

One of our long-standing members, W. Bro. Max Gaskin, has written a comprehensive booklet, entitled, "Freemasonry in Barnard Castle". This booklet deals with the formation or setting up of the Strathmore Lodge as a daughter Lodge of the Barnard Lodge 1035. The booklet may be downloaded here.

During the Hutchinson lecture of 2009, the opportunity was taken to link the Lecture with certain Admiral Lord Nelson Memorabilia used by the Barnard Castle Lodges and an article, setting out these links, can be downloaded here.

Like all Lodges, Strathmore Lodge maintains a "Past Masters" board, listing all those who have served as Master. In 2015 it was realised that the current board was running out of space and one of the brethren, W. Bro. B Harrison kindly undertook to "enlarge" the board to it's present form which should have space for a good number of years to come. Details of this work can be read here. The Lodge is indebted to W Bro Brian and to Bro N J Smith who helped create the Past Masters' Board that we are proud to have today.


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