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Meeting Dates and Times

Masonic Hall


The Lodge meets on the second Wednesday of each month, with the exception of July and August, in the Masonic Hall, Newgate, Barnard Castle. Meetings usually start at 18.45hrs - with the exception of the installation meeting.


Each May, when the officers for the following year are elected, the lodge receives as its main item of business a talk given by a noteworthy Mason entitled "The Hutchinson Lecture" on a topic of Masonic interest, so named after William Hutchinson, a well known Mason and resident of Barnard Castle in the eighteenth century. 


The Installation Meeting, at which the Worshipful Master is succeeded by his elected successor, takes place in June and usually starts at 18.00hrs.


For Freemasons planning to visit Strathmore Lodge, please contact the Secretary for details of the evening's business.



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